Soal bahasa Inggris kelas 4. Postingan kali ini kami akan membagikan 100 + Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 4 Semester 2 Kurikulum 2013. Di mana soal bahasa inggris tersebut kami lengkapi dengan kunci jawaban. Dengan maksud agar adik adik mudah dalam mempelajarinya.
Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 4 PDF
Soal bahasa inggris kelas 4 sd kurikulum 2013 ini terdiri dari soal pilihan ganda dan soal jawaban singkat. Seperti yang telah kami sampaikan di awal bahwa soal ulangan bahasa inggris ini lengkap dengan kunci jawaban. Lantas materi bahasa inggris kelas 4 semester 2 k13 seperti apa ya?
Materi Bahasa Inggris kelas 4 Semester 2
Untuk materi bahasa inggris kelas 4 semester 2 k13 ini terdiri 6 Bab, antara lain: Bab Animal, Fruit dan Vegetables, Number, Calendar, Hobbies, dan Telling time. Dan semua materi tersebut akan kita bahas pada soal soal berikut ini. Yang tentu saja sudah sesuai dengan kurikulum 2013 revisi terbaru. Mari kita mulai belajar kita tentang Soal Bahasa Inggris kelas 4 SD semester 2 Kurikulum 2013.
Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 4 Semester 2
I. Choose the right answer by crossing (X) the letter a, b, c, or d!
1. Agus : What animals are there?
Budi : There are…
a. a shark and a whale
b. a cock and a duck
c. a butterfly and a fish
d. a shark and a donkey
2. It is a small animal. It is a …
a. ant
b. camel
c. cat
d. frog
3. It is a …
a. turtle
b. monkey
c. elephant
d. squirrel
4. Andre : Do you like …., Andre?
Budi : Yes, I like …
a. cow
b. rabbit
c. duck
d. dog
5. Anwar : Do you like a dog?
Beni : No, I don’t like it. I like …
a. goat.
b. cow
c. peacock
d. cock
6. My Sister buys a kilo of … market. (Anggur).
a. grapes
b. apple
c. banana
d. watermelon
7. A monkey likes …
a. chili and watermelon
b. peanut and banana
c. spinach and avocado
d. onion and papaya
8. Catur : Do you like grapes?
Didik : No, …
a. I do not
b. I does not
c. I am not
d. You are not
9. Sule : Do you like … ( jeruk )
Aziz : Yes, I like it.
a. rambutans
b. orange
c. banana
d. bark
10. My Father like …. (alpukat)
a. orange
b. strawberry
c. avocado
d. coconut
11. How many bananas are there?
a. There are two bananas
b. There are three bananas
c. There are four bananas
d. There are five bananas
12. It is … ( 25 th )
a. fourteenth
b. fifth
c. fifteenth
d. twenty-fifth
13. The its abbreviation is …(3)
a. st
b. rd
c. nd
d. th
14. Sunday is first day. In Indonesia …
a. Minggu adalah hari pertama
b. Senin adalah hari pertama
c. Minggu adalah hari kedua
d. Minggu adalah hari libur
15. The fourth month is …
a. March
b. April
c. May
d. June
16. The third day is …
a. Wednesday
b. Tuesday
c. Friday
d. Saturday
17. Tuesday, Wednesday, …
a. Sunday
b. Saturday
c. Thursday
d. Friday
18. It is April, the last month is …
a. March
b. May
c. June
d. Agustus
19. The Kartini’s Day is …
a. March the twenty-fourth
b. April the first
c. April the twenty-first
d. Mei the twenty
20. The tenth month is …
a. December
b. November
c. October
d. September
21. They like on … Saturday
a. boxing
b. swimming
c. riding
d. Running
22. Look at the girl ! She I … (menari)
a. singing
b. dancing
c. cycling
d. tennis
23. I always practice on Sunday. (melukis).
a. roller skating
b. bowling
c. dancing
d. painting
24. They are playing … (bola basket).
a. basketball
b. football
c. bowling
d. badminton
25. Mr. Surato like … in the river every Sunday. (memancing).
a. bowling
b. golf
c. fishing
d. singing
Baca Juga: soal bahasa Inggris kelas 4 semester 1
26. Rini : What time is it ? ( pukul 12.45)
Rani : It is …
a. a quarter past one
b. a quarter past nine
c. a quarter to one
d. a quarter to nine
27. Anggun : What time is it? ( pukul 06.30 )
Imut : It is . . .
a. six to eight
b. half-past six
c. six o’clock
d. seven o’clock
28. My father goes to the office at …. ( pukul 07.00 ).
a. seven o’clock
b. eight o’clock
c. nine o’clock
d. ten o’clock
29. Bunga : Do you know what time is it? ( pukul 05.35 )
Kanthil : Sure, It is …
a. five to three
b. half-past three
c. eleven past three
d. five to four
30. It is a quarter to two …
a. 11.45
b. 12.45
c. 01.45
d. 02.45
II. Answer the questions by yourself!
1. What is that? ( Kelinci ).
That is …
2. What the colour of a rabbit?
3. F – O – B – F -U – A – L
the following letters if assembled into the name of the animal is…
4. This animal likes banana and peanut is…
5. June is the … month.
6. My sister likes…. ( Semangka ) very much.
7. What do you get up in the morning? ( Pukul 05.00)
8. Mention four hobbies in sport !
9. Mention seven day in the week !
10. Budi likes…. (menyanyi) with his mother.
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